• I’m sitting in the airport lounge at Zurich, passing time until my next flight to Maó (Mahón), Menorca. I’ll be attending the Photopills Camp, for a week of photography, talks, expeditions, and a bit of relaxation in between, organized by the developers of the Photopills app, and co-hosted by a bunch of pro photographers offering their knowledge and experience.

    I’ve never attended anything like this before. While I’m super excited to grow and take my photography to the next level, I have to say I’m also a bit anxious and nervous. It seems a bit silly, but the impostor syndrome is strong. I was already having second thoughts a few months ago, when I had to complete my payment, and very nearly cancelled my place. In a lot of ways I feel like I’m not good enough and don’t deserve this. I know, I know, I shouldn’t be comparing myself to other photographers on social media. You only see a very carefully curated feed of finished work, and not the failures. I also haven’t sold any of my artwork since setting up my online store. Marketing and self-promotion is not one of my strong suits, and “build it and they will come” is a myth. So that’s been weighing on my mind and making me feel a bit dejected about my pursuit of photography as a career.

    Still, despite these doubts, I’m looking forward to spending some time with other people with similar interests, and doing a bit of photography in somewhere new. From what I’ve seen, there are some stunning locations in Menorca.

  • I’m excited for some of the AI-powered tools, but also worry that generative AI might have a negative impact on creative industries


  • When you’re driving in Google Maps you’re re-enacting an ancient space combat sim


  • There’s no winning, is there? Damned if you do, damned if you don’t (sharing/marketing your photography on IG and Facebook)


  • Did you get caught up in the hype over NFTs, and have bought some, or even minted and sold them? Sorry if you did. Yup, they were (and still are) a scam.

    Of the 73,257 NFT collections we identified, an eye-watering 69,795 of them have a market cap of 0 Ether (ETH).

    This statistic effectively means that 95% of people holding NFT collections are currently holding onto worthless investments. Having looked into those figures, we would estimate that 95% to include over 23 million people who’s investments are now worthless.

    Dead NFTs: The Evolving Landscape of the NFT Market

  • So here’s the thing I was writing about, without the writing because I’m tired and can’t be bothered.

    Full details and a larger version on Astrobin 00BAF133-2B01-4A99-98A9-2531CEB6CF06.jpg

  • I wrote a whole blog post in the Icro app, and a swipe to scroll to the top caused the entire post composition window to be dismissed, and it deleted my entire draft without warning. 🤬

  • Printed and framed. These are my photos that will be on show at the ‘Setúbal Sublime’ exhibition at Crespaço, an art gallery in Setúbal starting this week.

    4 printed photographs in picture frames on the floor leaning against a white wall. They are in a black frame with a white mat.Close-up of a framed photographic print in a back picture frame with a white matClose-up of a framed photographic print in a back picture frame with a white matClose-up of 2 framed photographic prints in back picture frames with a white mat

  • 2023 has certainly started out with a bang. Been flat-out doing multiple things to get this photography biz started. Having a bunch of prints made, mounted, packaged and mailed to friends and family all over the world, as gifts; preparing, printing and framing a few pictures for my first exhibition; social media posts and experimenting with ads; updating my new website and preparing it for e-commerce; registering a company and wrapping my head around concepts like VAT. Phew!

  • A bunch of packages I posted last week just got returned by CTT. All of them US-bound. Turns out I need to lodge an online customs declaration (in addition to the hand-written one on the prepaid envelopes I used). Ugh.

  • I have some exciting news! I’ve decided on a career change from UI/UX front-end development, to focus on photography. More on this - www.jpoh.blog/jonathan-…

  • Pathway to the Stars

    Composite of the foreground and buildings shot at blue hour, and 18x 2 minute exposures on a star tracker

    Location: Cabo Espichel, Portugal Camera: Canon EOS 6D (astro-modified) Lens: Samyang 14mm f/2.8 Exposure: 36 minutes (18 x 2') Aperture: f/2.8 ISO: 800 Mount: iOptron SkyTracker (discontinued 2010 model)

    #astrophotography #astrophoto #landscapeastro #landscapeastrophotography #portugal #caboespichel #milkyway

    Wide-angle photograph of the Milky Way Galactic Core rising almost vertically from the horizon, with brown dusty star dust and magenta nebulas visible. The sky is full of stars, and there's a bit of yellow/green light pollution near the ground. In the foreground, a dirt path curves from the lower-right corner of the image to the bottom of the Milky Way. There is a derelict religious building (sanctuary) on the left.
  • Wow. Got an email from PhotoStation (authorised Canon service centre in Lisbon) yesterday at 5pm that they are closing down today, and I should collect my lenses that I dropped off for repair. It’s been with them since August and apparently only one of them got fixed. 😡

  • Oh no. My new BenQ SW321C appears to have a bunch of dark/dead pixels 😭

    Close-up of a LCD monitor, with an area of dead pixels circledClose-up of a LCD monitor, with an area of dead pixels circled

  • Can’t believe PhotoPills Camp 2023 is already sold out, less than 24 hours after the announcement email was sent out. I was (still am) keen to go, some of my most admired photographers will be there.

  • Fascination deep dive into the ‘baseline’ test in Blade Runner 2049 and the Voight-Kampf test in PKD’s book and the first movie


  • Molly White from Web3 is Going Just Great dropping truth bombs on the Crypto stage at Web Summit. Brilliant

  • LIS feels like SFO right now.

  • Oof, it’s a big fella.

  • It’s here! My re-print of (F)light Trails, nearly double the size, and with improved processing and editing to correctly colour-match the printed output. It is incredible, and I’m very happy with how it came out, considering what a difficult image it is to work on

  • After a long hiatus, I’m getting back into astrophotography.


  • I took a bit of time to reprocess one of my father’s photographs taken 10 years ago, on a 3 megapixel camera. This is the result.


  • Was out late to Santa Susana again, this time with a new friend, the guy I bought the modified Canon 6D camera from, for a spot of astrophotography again. This time there were no campers so the area was super dark, though there’s still light pollution from the cities all around

  • Milky Way at Pego do Altar reservoir, near Santa Susana, Alcácer do Sal, Portugal

    Same source images as the previous version, but processed differently in Photoshop.

    Managed to bring out a lot more detail and colour that I did not even realise was there!

    • Camera: Olympus OM-D E-M5Mark II
    • Lens: Olympus M.Zuiko ED 12-40mm f/2.8 PRO (at 12mm)
    • Exposure time: 8s (* 21= 168s total)
    • Aperture: f/2.8
    • ISO: 6400

    21 light frames stacked in Sequator, post-processing in Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom Classic.

  • Sunset at Santa Susana (Pego do Altar reservoir)

    • Camera: Olympus OM-D E-M5Mk2
    • Lens: Olympus M.Zuiko 12-40mm f/2.8 (at 12mm)
    • Shutter: 1/5s
    • Aperture: f/3.5
    • ISO: 1600
    • Filter: Cokin ND8 3-stop soft graduated neutral density

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